2. Yogesvari Srimadbhagvadgita: A Yogic Commentary  

        Srimadbhagvadgita, which is sometimes simply known as Gita, is one of the primary sources of spiritual knowledge in Indian tradition. Gita explains those ancient expedients, which when practiced, give a direct darshan of Lord Shrikrishna as the extremely brilliant epitome of Time itself. 
Despite there being many commentaries of Gita available today, there is not a single yogic commentary written specifically by a yogi. This inspired Shailendra Sharma to come up with one such commentary which could be of use to a layman as well as a yoga scholar. Shailendra has explained the knowledge that has come down via his lineage of Gurus as well as realized through his own ardent practice of yoga. 

3. The Wayfarer 

      Shailendra Sharma is a wayfarer. While braving the path of life he is sharing his observations and experiences with other wayfarers. 

4. At The Right Hand Of God 

      Shailendra Sharma's daily conversations with his disciples and visitors display a variety of topics arising from a wild array of questions posed to him in the last twenty years. Describing powerful Kriya Yoga techniques, explaining ways to discover your own immortal substance, redefining the very perception of God, Time, and Creation from a yogic point of view, this book is for the seekers of truth.

5. Some Flowers and Some Thorns 

      An assortment of flowers and thorns from the garden of life - wisdom of life that only a yogi can impart. 

6. Siva Sutra 

      About 250 years ago, there lived in Kashmir a Brahmin Shiva devotee named Vasugupta. He once had a dream in which he was directed by Lord Shiva himself to find a cave on the Shankara hill. He was told that inside it he would find a huge rock, on turning which he would receive the spiritual knowledge bestowed by Shiva himself. He was directed to absorb it and spread it in the society. The very next day Vasugupta went to the said place with a few others. There he beheld the same cave and the same rock. On turning the rock he found 77 sutras carved on it. These same sutras have reached us through the blessings of the great Shiva devotee Vasugupta.

7. Yoga Darsan: A Yogic Commentary 

        Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are a standard reference for any yoga practitioner. This book is an English translation of the original Hindi commentary of Yoga Sutras.